The VINCENT Family

Pennsylvania, Arizona, Oregon

    The VINCENT family is yet another stray line. Charles M. VINCENT, by census listings and death records, was born in Pennsylvania. The town on these various records, when given, is listed as either Townsville or Louisville. Even his middle name is a mystery. So far, no records appear in which he, personally, lists a Middle Initial or other indicator. Of those records made by others, the name is alternately given as Charles M., Charles Mortamore, and Charles Burdick (though this last is listed only on his death certificate, for which the informant was his son-in-law, Rufus Crump, who often seemed to change names, even his own).

    What we do know is that Charles was born in Pennsylvania, to parents also born there, and that he moved to Arizona, prob. by abt 1909 when he married Paz SILVAS, but at the latest by the 1910 census. The family seems to have alternated between Arizona and Oregon between then and 1920, but was settled in Coos Co., Oregon by the 1930 census. Charles worked in the logging industry in Oregon, and it is said, was quite successful at it, as may also be evidenced from the $2000 value of the home and real estate he owned in 1930.

First Generation

1. Charles M. VINCENT,(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12) was born on 13 Mar 1872 in Pennsylvania, possibly Townsville or Louisville (4,5,7,8,9,10) to unknown parents who were also born in Pennsylvania.(7,8,9) Charles married (1) (___).(9) Abt 1909 he married (2)Paz SILVAS,(1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,12) daughter of Lauro Silvas & Florenza Romero of Mexico. Paz was born on 24 Jan 1887 in San Pedro, Mexico,(1,4,6,7,8,9) and emigrated to the United States abt 1909.(7,8,9) They resided in Bisbee, Bisbee Judicial Precinct, Cochise Co., Arizona Territory in 1910,(9) and in Swansea, Yuma Co., Ariz., in Jan 1920.(7) During these times, Charles worked in a copper mine.(7,9) By 1930, the family was living in Coquille, Coos Co., Oreg., where Charles worked as a logger.(5,8) Paz died here on 6 Nov 1943, and was buried on 10 Nov in the Coquille Masonic Cemetery.(6) By Dec 1958, Charles was living in Empire, Coos Co., Oregon, and died in Coquille on 23 Dec of that year. He was buried on 26 Dec in the Coquille Cemetery.(5)

They had the following children:
    i. Paul. Born 2 Mar 1910 in Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona. Resided in Coquille, Oregon. Served in the military. Paul's last residence before his death in June 1973 was in Coos Bay, Coos Co., Oregon.(1,6,7,8,9,11,12)
    ii. Lawrence Theodore. Born 17 Feb 1914 in Coaledo, Coos Co., Oregon. Died 9 Feb 1996 in Los Angeles, California. Lawrence married and had at least one child.(1,3,4,8)
    iii. Florenza(?). A daughter born abt 1915 in Oregon.(7)
    iv. Eva. Born abt 1916 in Arizona. Eva married -- GUZMAN.(1,7,8)
    v. Charles. Born abt 1918 in Arizona. Charles married Helen (__).(1,7,8)
    vi. William. Born abt 1919 in Arizona.(7,8)
2   vii. Mary Ruth. (4 Jul 1920, prob. in Coquille, Oregon - 14 May 1994 in Eugene, Lane Co., Oregon). Married Rufus Attaway CRUMP (12 Jan 1920-9 Mar 1981) on 10 May 1941 in Coquille, Oregon.
    viii. Frank. Born abt 1924 in Oregon.(8)

Images: (Click on any image for a larger version)
Charles Vincent at his home in Coos Co., Oregon (c. 1955?) Surviving Vincent children in 1981 at the funeral of Rufus A. Crump in Coquille,Ore.
L-R: Mary Ruth Crump, Eva Guzman, ??, ??
Misc. Notes:
    At the 1920 census, aside from his family and in-laws, eight lodgers lives at his residence, which he rented, in Swansea Precinct, Yuma Co., Arizona. Most were Mexican, one Irish, and another an American born in Hawaii. All were workers at a copper mine.(7)

    At the 1930 census, along with his wife and children, two in-laws lived with him in Coquille in the house he owned. His house was valued at $2000.(8)

1. [LMEvarts].Charles Mortamore Vincent. Paz born in San Pedro, Mexico. Various information from personal knowledge.
2. [SS5VincentMR].
3. [SS5VincentLT].
4. [DeaVincentLT].
5. [DeaVincentCB]. Charles Burdick Vincent. Full Date of Birth in Townsville, Penn.
6. [DeaVincentP]. Full Date of Birth in San Pedro, Mexico.
7. [1920AZSY]. Charles Vincent, age 46, born in Penn. Paz Vincent, age 28, born in Mexico. Listing of children and relatives with names, state of birth and ages.
8. [1930ORCC]. Charles Vincent, age 50, born in Penn. Paz Vincent, age 40, born in Mexico. Charles was age 20 and Paz age 17 at their marriage. Listing of children and relatives with names, state of birth and ages.
9. [1910AZBC]. Charles C. Vincens [Vanclees?], age 38, born in Penn. Paz Vincens, age 19, born in Mexico. Years married, "0." His second marriage and her first. Paul Vincens, age 1 mos., born in Arizona.
10. [MarCrumpVincent]. Father of Mary Ruth born in Louisville, Penn.
11. [SSDI].
12. [SS5VincentP2].