Here you'll find images, photos, documents, transcriptions, ephemera and the like which have been passed on to me, or that I have in my possession. They may or may not be directly related to my own lines, but are things I enjoy. Similar items may be found on my
Strays page.
Salisbury Town List for 1798
Transcription and scan of an original document listing the residents or heads of household of Salisbury, Addison Co., Vermont.
Small Point (Phippsburg), Maine Burying Ground
Transcription, map and photos of this small family cemetery on a piece of privately-owned land. Surnames present are WALLACE, DOUGHTY and SINCLAIR.
Certificate of Death of Emma Richardson Crump
Copy of the Death Cert. of an Emma Richardson CRUMP of Mt. Holly, North Carolina. A mistaken acquisition on my part. Perhaps of use to someone?