Salisbury Town List for 1798

    I received this original listing of the residents or heads of household of Salisbury, Addison Co., Vermont from a dealer in historical documents. Several ancestors of my own are listed here, as well as many others who married into my lines. Perhaps some of your people are mentioned here, as well.

    Scans of the original document, front and back, can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnails to the left. Information on the transcription follows below them.

Town List for 1798

Front Side
Column 1 - Lefthand Side
[Name] Dollar Cent


fold [?]

Asa Huntley 153 50
Adno Goodenough 69
Abner More 176 75
Aaron Owen 20
Aaron L Beach 97
Abe Warterous 173
Abel Hildrith 183  
Abner Owen jur. 74 25
Abner Moor jur. 33 50
Asa Lawrence 179 50
Abijah Woodard 125
Abel Johnson 13
Asa Blodget 30 75 30 75
Barnabas Graves 75 50
Bele Farnam 93 75
Bele Noys 53 50
Benjamin Smalley 72 25
Barnabas Graves 2nd 51 50
Benjamin Horseley 148 5
Chaney Graves 46 50
Champin Ackley 10 50 10 50
David Graves 46 50
David Darling 80 80
David Holman 20 20
Daniel Church 153 75
David Graves 2nd 35 50
Dan Banolds & Sam 98
Daniel Noys 126
Didemus Holt 20
David Langley 212 35
Elipha White 17 50 17 50
Eliphaz Purkins 76 75 3 50
Eli Smead 88 20
Elias Kelsey 409 13 50
Ebenezer Genney 37 37
Ethan Kelsey 173
Epraim Crook 270 25
Eleazer Claghorn 422
Elias Kelsey jun 53 50
Eliakim Weeks 149 50
Frances Strong 225
Frend Gibbs 70
[Totals Column One] 4939 272 75
Column 2 - Righthand Side
George Griswold 58 75
Gilbert Everts 316 50 13 50
Gilbert Everts jun 175 25
Gabrel Larkin 38 50 38 50
Gama Kelsey 176 50
Gad Deming 33 50
Holland Weeks 302 75
Henry Kieler 114 75
Hamling Johnson 39 25
Jeremiah Kelsey 118
Joel Boardman 35
John Holmether 26 50 26 50
John Raife 33
James Saher[?] 115 75
James Bradley 81 25
Josiah Roseter 81 50 65 50
Joel Newton 220 50
Josiah Farnam 143 75
Jesse Graves 183
John Wells 196 75 6 50
John Hodgden 43 50 6 50
Jur Larance 76 50
John Hott 203 75
Joseph Horsley jur 33 50
Jatham Flagg 20
Joseph Collins 26 50 26 50
Joseph Warterous 106 25
John Deming 251 50 5
Joseph Graves 66 50
Joshua Morsman 53 50
Joel Bigelow 31 50
Joshua Willes 166 50
John Fife 170
Jacob Chace 68 75
James Shearmon 61 25
Jehiel Kelsey 40
James Crafford 205 25
Josesse & Rufus Story 189
James Flood 33 50 33 50
Levi Pratt 81 75 81 75
Luna Tikes 79 50
Loring Larkin 229 13 50
Martin Everts 20 50 6 50
Martin Reed 40
Moses Chace 36 50 5
Nathaniel Chaffee 91 42
Nathaniel Chace 40
Oliver Wills 136 75 136 75
Plina Flagg 26 50
[Totals Column 2] 5134 50 507 50
Back Side
Column 1 - Lefthand Side
[Name] Dollar Cent

two fold[?]

Peter Cudman 174 50
Permeley Farnam 11 50
Reuben Everts 61 20
Rueben Putnam 98 50 98 50
Reuben Saxton 152
Silas Whitney 118 25 10
Solathiel Bunst 290
Samll Tator 53 50
Solomon Flagg 38 50
Samll Flagg 30
Samll Pierce 132 50
Stephen Ward 207 18 50
Solomon Bigelow 92 25
Simeon Phelps 53 75
Samll Holoman 34
Solomon Evarts 84 25
Stephen Spaldwin 40
Simon Morton 83 83
Thomas Fullar 20
Thomas Cheany 20
Thomas Severy 26 50
Wm Pratt 161 75
Wm Smalley 72 75
Wm Smalley jun 68 25
[Column 3 Totals] 2123 75 230
We certify this to be a true list for the town of Salisbury for the year One thousand seven Hundred and Ninety Eight
Listers [signed]
Gama Kelsey
Eliakim Weeks
Adino Goodenough
Reuben Saxton